Check in to have FunCheck out to Disappear4Real social is about connecting you with your best friends, at places you LOVE, with the people around you
Check in to have FunCheck out to Disappear
4Real social is about connecting you with your best friends, at places you LOVE, with the people around you haven’t met yet. Just like in real life.
Check in to have fun
Check out to Disappear
4Real social is a game you already play
4Real social is a game around your life and can be played everywhere. Going to Gym, train stations, lunch places, night clubs and even at the shopping centre. The goal of the game is to catch up with your friends and interact with the people around you.
You can see what is happening with your friends or what they are (UP4) in real-time. If you like what you see and are making your way change over to GOING. The Final Check in stage is verified by location, so you physically have to be there to check it out. While waiting for Friends you can talk to the people at the place and post photos to the area, it’s simple and great fun.
Find buzzing places and connect with the people checked-in
4Real social provides a view of where your friends are and where things are going down that you definitely need to check out.
Using the nearby and Search Map you can see the popular places by the numbers. The Photo board is a collection of photos being posted by everyone (not just your friends) in the area. These photos are deleted when the person checks out, so you can see what the place is like in real time.
Throw planning out the window, 4Real social is designed for real-time
No more planning anything just be UP4 something and your friends will know about it. You might be up for some food or random rager! If you are going somewhere update your status and friends will know you are on the way. When the night becomes epic, it’s time to check out the area around you for friends and places. If they are out you will know.
Keep your friends list small and only include the cream of the crop. You don’t need plans when you are 4Real.
Connections are people too
People that you run into at places can be added to your connection list. You can still meetup and keep in contact but they have a limited view of your info. It’s a great way to check people out before sharing your number with them.
Add your top friends to 4Real using their secret code. Ask them for it and use it before it self-destructs!
Privacy, you are who you say you are
4Real identity is built with Privacy by design. Your identity is replaced by an alias that you can change, which is just like wearing a mask. Have fun, post pics, talk to people and when it’s done change your alias, It’s Fun. Your name doesn’t matter in 4Real just what you are UP4 . Photos and messages disappear so you don’t need to worry (The public have a limited view so use common sense)
So much more
There is so much more to explore when you are 4Real so get in there and start playing.
Contact [email protected] for any questions or help.